
Gardening Books For Every Season

3 min read

This selection of gardening books will give you new insights into the world of gardening and plants. You can learn how to grow fruit, flowers, and vegetables and even how to channel a stream and develop a small garden. These books are great gifts for anyone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty!

  1. A Stream in Your Garden by BB, 1948

    A Stream in Your Garden by BB, 1948

    This illustrated book aims to show you how to install running water in your garden. The author Denys Watkins-Pitchford, better known as  'BB',  states that everyone can have running water in their garden, even if they live far away from any rivers and streams. His enthusiasm for water is evident but he remains practical as well, using images and diagrams to guide his readers.

    More vintage books published by Eyre & Spottiswoode →

  2. Soft Fruit Growing by Raymond Bush, 1945

    Soft Fruit Growing by Raymond Bush, 1945

    Soft fruit growing can be a complicated process. Even the experienced gardener can make mistakes if they follow poor instruction. This book aims to guide amateur gardeners in the growing of soft fruits, sharing tips on soil types, conditions, and planting procedures. Complete with illustrations, it is the perfect gift for the amateur gardener.

    More vintage Penguin gardening books →

  3. The Year’s Vegetables by H. C. Davidson, c1950

    The Year’s Vegetables by H. C. Davidson, c1950

    A practical guide to growing vegetables. The author teaches readers when to sow their seeds, how to transplant small seedlings, and when to harvest their crops. Produce is listed in alphabetical order and includes most of the vegetables commonly grown in Great Britain. If you know someone who wants to get to grips with gardening, this book is a strong choice.

    Dig into vintage books on vegetables →

  4. Herbs and Spices by Elizabeth Dix, 1976 First Edition

    Herbs and Spices by Elizabeth Dix, 1976 First Edition

    Gardening isn’t just about planting and harvesting. It can also be about acquiring the knowledge to be a better gardener. This book is a compendium of the history behind common garden herbs and tropical spice plants. It serves as an introductory guide to the history of herbs and spices but also includes recipes, gardening tips and even a spice chart.

    CHRISTMAS OFFER - 3 for 2 on vintage cookbooks →

  5. Practical Organic Gardening by Ben Easey, 1976

    Practical Organic Gardening by Ben Easey, 1976

    A practical guide to organic gardening for experienced and beginner gardeners alike. Readers will be taught how to implement organic gardening methods, learning how to create healthy soil and grow wholesome crops. If you know someone who is interested in organic gardening, then this is a great guide to get them started.

    CHRISTMAS OFFER - 3 for 2 on vintage gardening books →

  6. Outlines of a Small Garden by C. H. Middleton, 1938

    Outlines of a Small Garden by C. H. Middleton, 1938

    Filled with wonderful illustrations, including diagrams and photographs, this is a great book for gardeners working with small plots. It covers everything from plotting and planning to planting and harvesting. Middleton was a passionate gardener and BBC presenter and he passes on his knowledge and skill in this wonderful little book

    More vintage books published by Cassell →

  7. A Cotswold Year by C. Henry Warren, 1936 First Edition

    A Cotswold Year by C. Henry Warren, 1936 First Edition

    A Cotswold Year takes the form of a diary, tracing Warren’s garden explorations across an entire year. Warren is often placed within a ‘rural tradition’ of countryside writing and this book shares his observations of the countryside around the Cotswolds. While not directly about gardening, it may appeal to gardeners who are also lovers of the countryside.

    Vintage books on the Cotswolds at Country House Library →

  8. The Rose in Britain by N. P. Harvey, 1958

    The Rose in Britain by N. P. Harvey, 1958

    Roses represent the traditional English garden. Their bright colouring and beautiful scent continue to delight gardeners today. This book offers advice on pruning and feeding roses but also shares details about fragrance, pests, and diseases. Filled with stunning illustrations, it is a simple yet practical guide to growing and maintaining these beautiful flowers.

    More vintage books on Roses →

Give the Gift of Gardening

Gardening can be enjoyed all year round, not just in the summer months. If you know a keen gardener or someone who wishes to learn, then a selection of these books would make a great Christmas gift.

Christmas Offer - 3 for 2 vintage gardening books →


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