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Famous Cities of the World: Dublin and Cork 1961 - Spring Books

Title: Famous Cities of the World: Dublin and Cork
Author: Kate O'Brien, R. S. Magowan
Publisher: Spring Books
Publication Date: 1961
Format: Hardcover with dustjacket
Condition: This book is in a good condition for its age. The dust jacket is worn and damaged. The pages are yellowing.


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Reader's note

This lovely oversized coffee table book of photography will add a touch of class to your home! Cities in riverside settings seem to convey a special illusion of lightness and spaciousness. Dublin and Cork, lying among picturesque hills and valleys, and bisected by delightful rivers, the Liffey and the Lee, share this characteristic. Both are important industrial and seafaring cities, yet amidst the raucous and insistent demands of the machine age they manage to radiate an almost forgotten aura of unflustered leisure and gracious living. This book shows the true picture of Ireland and is a fine addition to any photography studio!

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