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The lockdown goes on, but so must we. It's not easy finding new ways to keep yourself entertained, stimulated, and productive from your own home, but we're here to help. Below we've compiled a short list of the best reads for lockdown learning. Whether you're wanting to try your hand in a new craft, read about a famous figure from centuries past, or walk the vast plains of ancient history, there should be something here to keep your cogs whirring.
Reading Ladybird history books is the perfect way to uncover the histories of our world, from recent to ancient, for any budding historian who may not know where to begin. History is so vast (I mean, it is quite literally everything that's ever happened), and these books successfully simplify the process of learning it by getting down to the basics of any era, civilization, or individual at hand without removing any of the wonder. So whether you're interested in the ancient Aztecs and the Romans or the great explorers of our world, you need look no further than vintage Ladybird books!
There's a reason that vintage Observers are among the most popular and cherished of all collectible books. Providing facts and photos on a wide variety of topics, from the weather to the vast depths of space, from birds eggs and sea shells to coins and moths, Observer books are both highly educational and stunning to look at on a bookshelf - with or without the sleeves, thanks to their striking colour-coded bindings!
Vintage Pelican books are perhaps the crème de la crème when it comes to educational, informative, and interesting reads. Covering all kinds of interesting and important matters, including philosophy, the sciences, history, politics, music, the arts, and just about anything else you can think of, vintage Pelicans are a piece of literary history that any reader should make time for. It's just the cherry on the cake that they look fantastic in collections as well as on their own.
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